How Do You Do?

Here I Am,
Here I Am.
How Do You Do.......

Goes my Baby's nursery rhyme while I was pondering over what should I do. The words struck a chord inside me. Suddenly, I wondered, how many times a day have you heard someone asking you,"How Do You Do". We are social beings, defined as friends in FB, Whats App , LinkedIn and other social interactive sites, that it's quite unusual that we don't hear people asking "How do you do", often.

The other day , I was "chatting" with a dear friend of mine. Now, this person was the most cheerful , talkative and joyful  I had ever met in my life. She was  lost. She was not herself. She was not the person, who I remember. It was like talking to a ghost . I was lost for words, while she was crying her heart out. We were not in touch for a long time. By touch, I mean real touch, except for those forwarded Whats App messages. How many  times have I asked her "How Do You Do". I do not know .Now when I think about it, I can't remember the last time, I had asked this question  to the people  with me.

So, what happened to us? We were so engrossed with our lives, that we forgot to ask the person next to us how they are? Terrible, right. After all , it's just a simple query. But, think about the happiness it brings. It may not be something big . Nevertheless it leaves a huge impression. A big comfort to their hearts, a little smile on their faces. Small Words, Big Changes. 

May be it's time to start over. Let's start to appreciate all the people, things, gifts, moments and surprises of life. Let's just take a moment from our busy days, to acknowledge the people with us. Those people who gave us life, those who stood by us through all ups and downs, those who made us smile, those who made us believe, those who gave immense strength and support to move on. Sometimes, a small gesture is enough to bring about a great change. What we need is a gentle touch, that makes one believe in love and friendship.

Many times we do not bother to think , how our words and actions affects the people around us. It, may not be purposefully, but it does affects in a way that cannot be assessed easily. Conversations are becoming more and more distant and unreal. Under the same roof, there are times when our existence itself are forgotten. Love has been set aside for trivial matters. People tend to define their relationship with their own rules, that they forget an important rule; rules for a life should be made together not on your own. More importantly, rules should disappear on it's own, it's existence itself should become oblivious.

Relationships are not formed when two people accept each other. It is formed by the care and trust among ourselves. It is a matter of grave concern that we take ourselves seriously, that we forget to love life. Only if we love ourselves,we can love others. Only if we care ourselves, we can care others. Only if we appreciate ourselves,  we can appreciate others. Only if we believe in ourselves, other's will believe you. Nothing and Nobody can tell us that we are weak, useless, unlovable or hopeless.

Maybe, the world is responsible for what we have become. Nonetheless, a small smile, a simple query, a tiny help, a little appreciation, an action of love , will surely change our lives. Hope is the greatest weapon on us. Life is a gift of God, that we have the freedom to  mould into different shapes and sizes, according to our actions and thoughts. Acknowledge everyone, because we are not leading a one man show, everyone is part of all moments in our life. We cannot exist without our friends and enemies. If we ignore all,everyone will ignore us. It may be too late before we realise our mistake. Do not let it happen. Do not be ignorant to the love, happiness and pain of those around us. We need them and they need us. It's not that we should always think about others, but we can do it often. To get love,one should give love.May we all love each other forever.

Live Life, Love life, Love All.


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