The Lone Feminist

Dear Friends,

Many may wonder, why I choose the above topic. Well, because it completely defines one and one person alone- ME. Yeah! I am a Feminist. Not the type who questions each and every thing on newsrooms. Not the one who argues in public for equality and stabs at the back .
I am that kind of feminist, who actually believes that Feminism should start from one's home, within the hearts of the women over there.

For instance, we live in a world, where still on periods , even our own kids are not allowed to touch us. Seriously, they came out of our womb and still we are considered impure. How many decisions are taken by us for our own, that directly affects our lives? . Even, educated women, are just means of double income. Because, as per our people of the house, even though she is a very qualified professional, she lacks "out side knowledge on how the world works". Her first role, is always as a home maker and if she lacks those skills, then she lacks every thing.

Also, I believe , that if a change has to happen, one should start within ourselves. We women always second ourselves. We sacrifice on our interests, we sacrifice our likes and even our life styles, when we enter another home. Women are like a tree. When, a tree is suddenly uprooted, from a firm ground and then put into another soil, it needs strength, nurture and care to grow the roots deeper. The type of nurture decides whether the tree will grow into lush forest, sheltering many on its branches or withers away, even denying its own existence.May be we all should be like a cactus plant, standing in an adverse hot environment, with deep roots and plenty of water stored , providing for those who comes searching for the same. But, most of the time, we forget that only if we help other fellow women-beings at home, a strong family foundation could be established.

Women, is women's greatest adversary. No matter whatever you do, if your fellow women always criticize, do not do much, just ignore and continue with your good work. our mind is very complex, vibrant and distinct. Simple steps, lead to big changes.

As for me, I am constantly baffled by the way I see the women in my family behave. Why, is it necessary for them to consider themselves, unworthy of something, just because they lack in something , makes me question the norm. Of course, this has led to not so pleasant talks and encounters. Bought up by the person, who I consider the first Feminist in my life and having seen many in my side of the family ( where, there are more feminists than anything else) most of the times, I just could not help, but raise my voice when one person is demeaned by others. Why, is it that we do not even have the guts to stand up for other women of our own family and then talks about equality on the outside.

Nowadays, seeing the feminists in our television makes me laugh. How come these people, who cannot even make people around you understand equality- make the outside world aware of the same.

But, as they say, one should go on and on and on.......

Thank You


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