New Year Resolutions

Another New Year has come by and wherever we go all we can hear are New Year Resolutions. I was also seriously considering the same. But then the fate of all previous resolutions hit me. It mocked me, dared me to take more. Well, I realised that one should not take resolutions just for the sake of taking. It is not something to take as a fleeting fantasy.

So I asked myself, why do you need to take New Year Resolutions? Why should we wait for New Year to take any resolutions? Why cannot we just take it when we realise to do something? Is it because, the feeling of a new beginning gives a desire to do something new? Well. I think it is.

The beginning excites us, gives us new hope, imparts us vast strength. And it is very funny to see that enthusiasm and eagerness vaporising fast. To full fill all the resolutions what we need is to identify the one thing that we need the most. The determination to achieve something and the presence of mind to get up and work for the same. A decision made from a whim can never be a resolution. It is just a passing whim.

So , Dear Friends , if you have resolutions, give your maximum to acheive it. Let it not be another failure. With that, thinking about some more resolutions and hoping to achieve the same. Happy New Year!!!  


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